Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stock Ownership Certificate Pretty Packaging, Especially Suitable For Kids

Ever since I started my own business, I have been more serious about my financial education too. Not that I wasn't previously but now being fully in charge of making sure I can bring money home without relying on someone else's company, I am even more serious about it!

So, while surfing around for ideas, this cute website caught my attention:

I think it's a really good marketing move! Packaging the stock ownership such that it actually looks attractive and friendly to children (and some adults). What a fun way to receive your first share of a company. And I think it'll be an effective way to introduce stocks and share to children.

I know many of you out there would probably think this is all fluff and silly. But I personally like the idea. The gift of a financial education and money (stock in this sense) makes a great gift.

A good salesman can build rapport by mirroring the speech and talking in the language of his client. So, to get children to warm up to the boring idea of stock investment, why not use this as a tool to get them interested?

It'll be cute to receive a piece of Walt Disney like that, don't you agree?

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