Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Debt

Some may find it ominous to start my first post about a bad situation. But it is exactly this that prompted me to start a new blog about my entrepreneur journey. I hope to share and get to know more with like minded friends here.

It has been an eventful 11 months since I've left my job I love at a MNC to start my own business. Business is finally growing to the level where we feel more comfortable but the bad retail scene in 2009 has created a lot of bad debt situations for my company.

Today, we were informed by one of our retailers that they'll be closing their doors after Chinese New Year. We still have 6 months of outstanding payment from them and this is definitely worrying. With the constant bad news that we've been hearing, I'm kind of prepared that we will be in this situation and there's no point in worrying. What we can do now is to limit our risks and continue to ask for what is rightfully ours.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and just remain cool. It's time to relook at the business model since it's very flawed in my opinion.

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