Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why We Choose The Debt Collector - Case 1

I am naming this as case 1 because I am not that optimistic to think I'll never have to engage their service again. Am just keeping my fingers cross that it won't be anytime soon.

Anyway, there were a few reasons why we chose to go with the debt collector instead of going through the Small Claims Tribunal.
  1. The debtor was closing down the retail shop in 2 months time.
    • It takes about 2 weeks before we can attend the hearing before the Registrar.
    • If there's any disputes and we cannot come to an agreement, it may take even longer to get the settlement.

  2. The debtor is a retail outlet with no much of asset. Even the more "valuable" items in their shops have some flaws or damages.
    • It may even be a waste of our time and effort to pursue and file for a writ of seizure in the event it escalates to this stage.

  3. The debtor owes a lot of suppliers money.
    • We figured that if we weren't one of the first to file the claims, we may not even get back our money.
    • Or that we may only get back a small portion of the debt.

  4. We were drained...
    • We were exhausted from chasing and asking for payment day after day, week after week.
    • It was more worth it to pass on this frustrating job to the experts so that we can focus on generating sales and growing our business.
And so, we weighed our odds and it has proven a well-made decision! =)

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