Sunday, January 24, 2010

Are You Hungry To Get Rich?

Making money is of course one of the reasons why businesses exist. However, I don't think it is the main reason that makes a company successful.

We've heard many times that it is actually passion that drives a great business. And money is a measure of how well you play your game in business; it is a measure of success.

So, should an entrepreneur be hungry to get rich? I think it is an absolutely must! If not, you might as well call the business a hobby instead if it doesn't generate sufficient cash.

Recently, my partner and I have decided to come up with a new business idea to generate 1 more stream of income. We brainstormed about the new business model such that it'll be a more sustainable and profitable one. We also thought through the up and coming trends that'll make big bucks for us. After narrowing down our choices, we did more intensive research and fine tuned this new idea.

2 days ago, we met up to discuss about how to go about executing this new business idea when we found ourselves in a limbo. Somehow, something was not right and we could not proceed further in every angle that we turned.

That was when I suggested that we take a step back and put this new idea aside for a while. We had to think about what moves us instead and visualize what we'd enjoy doing if everything can fall into place nicely. We had to find our calling and mission.

I realised at this point that we have moved away from our passion and centered our new business ideas on making money instead. Maybe this is why it didn't work out as we expected it to. And when we refocus our thoughts on a totally new idea that the both of us were more passionate about, everything seems to flow more freely. This 2nd new idea seems to have a higher chance at succeeding.

So, be hungry! But do realise that there's a difference from being hungry to get rich and being hungry to get rich from your passion.

You need to combine your passion and the desire to get rich to succeed. 'Coz when you do reach there someday,  it'll mean that you have succeeded in playing your game well. That's our goal too. ;)

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